Cubanito Express #3 is Now Open!

Cubanito Express #3 is Now Open!

Great place to stop in for some fresh pressed espresso and empanadas. 4720 S Pulaski.
#coffeebreak #lunchbreak @cubanitoexpresschicago @riversidecubanitoexpress


it's green river time!

A Chicago tradition. Dyeing the river Green for St.Patrick’s Day will take place on March 16 at 10am.  If downtown, check out the celebration @lizzie.mcneills. #stpatricksday #chicagoriverwalk #chicagostpaddysday #chicagolife #chicagofood #chicagorivergreen @rpmseafood

The Celtic Knot Returns!

THe Celtic Knot Returns!

Great News! The Celtic Knot will be opening this spring at a new location in Evanston on Church St. I can tell you, the sales staff couldn’t be happier. There’s nothing like clocking out early on a Friday and soaking up the ambience and the music, as well as enjoying some pints in an Irish pub.

#evanstondining #evanstonil #chicagoirish @celticknotevanston


Hey Northwest Indiana!

Hey Northwest Indiana!


We love working with restaurants in Northwest Indiana! Please give us a call and we can tell you about the used fryer oil and cooking oil recycling services that we can provide to your business: 855-645-2246 #northwestindiana #michiana #lakecountyindiana #laportacountyindiana #portercountyindiana #stjosephcountyindiana #southbenddining


Tapicozza now open in the West Loop!

Tapicozza now open in the West Loop, on Lake Street right under the Green Line (obviously, our favorite CTA line on town!). For all of your daily Mexican Food and Pizza cravings.


It’s National Pizza Day!

It's National Pizza Day!

Hey Hey Hey! It’s National Pizza Day! Get out and support a local Chicago pizza restaurant (place? joint? pizzeria?) We will definitely be devouring some pizza today.